


创建一个捐赠的椅子是一个有力的方式,为支持者加强教学. Endowing a chair represents the highest possible honor; endowed chairs will further the College’s tradition of excellence in public higher education. 的y enable the College to offer a more diverse curriculum that is not dependent on usual income sources such as tuition, 它们提供了长期的金融稳定.

Endowing a chair provides the faculty member with recognition for achievement in his or her field, 以及全球网络赌博平台对该学科高质量教学的支持. 学生受到最高质量学术领导的挑战和指导.


除了塔基教授作为JC教员的正常职责之外, he is granted the lifetime honor of the Endowed Chair position and three hours of release time (roughly equivalent to teaching a 3-credit course) per year.  因此,他有以下额外职责:

  • 每年直接拨款购买数学教学设备, 工程, 和统计;
  • 每年利用专业发展基金继续进修;
  • 开发和维护促销信息, 包括网站, 促进MAT部门的活动和举措;
  • 组织并指导一次讨论会, 会议或类似的教育机会,使该部门的学生受益;
  • 监督每年15美元的雷文捐赠主席费用预算,500, 预留以支持上述活动.

关于乔治 & 芭芭拉乌鸦

George and 芭芭拉乌鸦 helped make dreams come true for many students at 杰克逊的大学. 自1989年以来一直是JC的忠实贡献者, 他们的慷慨促成了乔治和芭芭拉·雷文学生援助基金的成立, 多年来为155多名青年男女提供奖学金.

作为杰克逊的本地人, the plans and successes of students through their scholarship program helped the Ravens remain connected with the College and their hometown. 从杰克逊高中毕业后, 33年的乔治和35年的芭芭拉, George started a career in 工程 with a degree from Jackson Junior College (’36) before completing his bachelor’s degree in electrical 工程 from the University of Michigan in 1938. 他们于1942年结婚,当时第二次世界大战刚刚开始. 乔治在战争期间为国防工业工作, and spent the rest of his career as an electrical engineer with major companies in Michigan, 加州和犹他州. 他于2001年3月去世.

帮助学生完成学业是芭芭拉最关心的事情. 在大萧条时期高中毕业, 艰难的经济和个人时期没有钱上大学. 一位阿姨借钱给她上学, 她回到杰克逊,在固特异公司工作,用一台“电脑”计算工资,一个早期版本的加法机. 虽然她没能接受正规的大学教育, Barbara was 请d she and her husband were able to open the door for future generations to go to college. 芭芭拉于2011年去世.

关于Steve Tuckey

史蒂文·福布斯·塔基 is the Raven 数学教授 at Jackson Community College. 他从秋天开始出演这个角色, 2010, and has worked with multiple projects at the College with the generous support from the Endowment. 有关更多信息,请参见 Steve的专业网页.


的 Raven Endowment has supported many beneficial programs in the Department of 数学 and 工程, 以及整个学院和更广泛的社区.

  • In 2010-2012, Endowment support allowed for the development of a developmental statistics curriculum that was new to both the College and the larger statistics education community.  新课程(垫033) helps students transition from a basic mathematics foundation into the complexities of statistical concepts, 同时提供代数教学的实时模型.  新文本, 活动, assessments and other curricular materials were developed under the leadership of 塔基教授, and these were shared with dozens of other institutions through several national and state conferences.
  • 游戏在数学教育中的作用越来越大, as developmental and cognitive psychologists are learning more about how the brain learns (and how it learns math, 尤其是).  塔基教授, 在瑞雯基金会的支持下, 正在努力寻找将这些发现纳入JC数学课程的方法.  例如
    • 模式识别和算法思维是纸牌游戏的核心, ,这是一种让大脑热身的好方法,可以进行丰富的数学探索.
    • 拼图和脑筋急转弯 are a great way to challenge your mind without the typical fear that often accompanies traditional mathematics problems.
  • Starting in 2011, 塔基教授 took up the responsibility of coordinating the Math Department’s 补充说明 (SI)全球网络赌博平台, 几年来一直在试点水平上运作, 完全在发展水平课程的范围内.  此后不久, 在瑞雯基金会的支持下, 科学探究计划开始扩展到包括其他科目和级别的课程.  史蒂夫现在仍在为这个全球网络赌博平台工作,并提供内容和后勤援助.
    • One of the best parts of bringing Raven Endowment support to the SI program is that it allows SI leaders (student math coaches who work with peers to guide them and improve study skills) to experience new technology and teaching tools.  其中一个例子就是使用简单的小白板.  的Lansing-based Markerboard人 创造美好 数学工具 这对我们的SI领导和JC学生的工作很有帮助, 感谢乌鸦基金会.
    •  密歇根教程协会(Steve是现任主席),JC主持了 第一届年度SI & 导师服务会议 在校园.  该事件发生在4月21日, 2012, 并接待了来自密歇根州和俄亥俄州的16所高校.  出席者超过100人,足以引起另一个人的兴趣.
    •  第二届年度JC SI & 导师服务会议 发生在星期六, 4月13日, 2013, 在中央校园, 并且有16个全天的会议, 主题演讲和小组讨论.  All attendees were also able to view every session, as they were video-recorded and posted to the JC SI节目YouTube频道.
    • 继前两次会议的成功之后 第三届年度JC SI & 教师会议上 于2014年3月22日星期六举行.  与会者欣赏教师的演讲, 管理员, 还有来自该地区许多学术机构的学生.
    • 第四届JC SI年会 & 教师会议上 于2015年4月11日星期六举行.  Folks from all over the region were in attendance for great sessions and excellent opportunities to communicate with colleagues and peers from all over the region.
    • 为 第五届年度JC SI & 教师会议上 在周六, 4月9日, 2016, we came back to our 中央校区 and structured the day in McDivitt Hall to give participants loads of experiences in sessions and around them.  It was an amazing day for attendees, even with a nasty mid-spring blizzard keeping things cool!
  • Use of technology in the mathematics classroom is a long-standing question among teachers — what kinds are acceptable, 当, 以及什么类型的活动.  As a preliminary investigation of possible options for students, Raven Endowment support purchased a 谷歌Chromebook 在2012年秋季用于教学活动和规划.  塔基教授曾在会议上展示过chrome - os笔记本电脑, 将其作为高等微积分课程的教学基础, and has helped other faculty members in pilot programs to study the efficacy of mandating these devices for all students.
    • 从2013年秋季开始, Chromebooks have been adopted as the platform for a hybrid Rapid Review mathematics course (MAT 019) at 杰克逊的大学.  这门课程为学生提供了一个密集的, 3-week review of many basics that often cause course placement assessments to be less accurate.  塔基教授创造的 Chromebook连接指南 以及扩大校园设备使用的材料.
  • 从秋季的捐赠主席开始, 2010, Steve has engaged with local secondary and elementary schools in events to encourage mathematics and science interest and achievement.  如果你有兴趣举办一个以数学或科学为重点的社区活动, or you would like to consider some helpful teacher professional development opportunities in your school, 请 联系Steve Tuckey教授 欲知详情.
    • 我们是否在解决问题 南瓜 or 猫头鹰 (或其他), 方法的作用是决定计划和执行力强的主要因素, 发展性数学教学.
  • 2012年秋天, 还有威尔伯·邓吉科学奖, 史蒂夫致力于2013年春季的数学与科学会议.  结果, JC的第一次数学和科学会议,于2013年5月11日星期六举行,并取得了巨大成功.  Anchored by two amazing keynote addresses (Colonel Greg Johnson and Colonel Al Worden — both NASA astronauts), 这次活动突出了JC老师们提出的22个精彩的分组讨论, 当地的教育工作者, 以及来自东密歇根大学和密歇根州立大学的研究人员.  请查看 会议维基 欲知详情!