数码摄影 – 证书


Typical job opportunities are sports photographer, school photographer, 新闻摄影师, and advertising work, small business owner in photography, 设计师, 插画家, magazine/catalog photographer, portrait photographer or photo lab technician.

最低学分: 31
Minimum cumulative GPA: 2.0
Minimum grade in all courses: 2.0
Minimum 杰克逊的大学 credits: 8


Take the following:

课程# 课程名称 学分 先决条件 笔记
COM 231 Communication Fundamentals 3 085, 091

学生将学习语言交流的基本原理,包括语言的发展和表达, interpersonal message, 非语言信息, and small group dynamics. 本课程旨在培养学生在多元化的全球社会中成为有效的沟通者. Student speeches will be evaluated for effectiveness.

131年英格 Writing Experience I 3 ENG 085 and ENG 091

This is an intensive writing course. Narrative and descriptive modes are stressed. Basic research strategies are introduced. An end-of-the-semester portfolio is required.

垫130 Quantitative Reasoning 4 垫030

Quantitative Reasoning develops student skills in analyzing, synthesizing and communicating quantitative information. 通过定量素养镜头培养代数推理和建模技能. 强调批判性思维和在应用环境中使用多种策略. Topics include proportional and statistical reasoning, 概率, and evaluation of bias and validity.


Take the following:

课程# 课程名称 学分 先决条件 笔记
101年艺术 Two-Dimensional Design 3

学生将学习二维设计的原理和元素,并在各种动手工作室全球网络赌博平台中实践其应用. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), 解决视觉和概念主题是课程的重要组成部分. These skills are reflected in studio projects.

137年艺术 数码摄影 I 3

(与CIS 137相同)本课程演示如何使用和处理数码相机, capturing the image, editing and processing images for output — such as printing, 或者准备图片上传到互联网的网站或社交媒体平台. The class will include techniques and instruction on layout, 作文, 设计规则, history of photography, and Photoshop® or image altering program applications.

237年艺术 数码摄影 II 3 137年艺术或CIS 137

(与CIS 237相同)本课程提供了完善和扩展摄影技巧的机会. 在数码摄影的个人技能将用于探索一个完整的身体的工作. 学生将使用Photoshop®CS5来编辑和进一步探索他们的创意渠道. 学生的个人目标将在本学期设定并执行.

134年独联体 Graphic Imaging (Adobe® PhotoShop®) 3


136年独联体 Integrated Design I (Adobe® InDesign®) 3 独联体095 *

Learn the basics of desktop publishing using Adobe® InDesign®. 学生使用电脑和激光打印机创建专业的出版物,包括插图和位图图形.


Choose two of the following:

课程# 课程名称 学分 先决条件 笔记
103年艺术 Drawing I: Foundations 3

本课程介绍了基本的绘画原理和技术在工作室设置. 学生在观察和概念图纸中使用各种主题和媒体探索轮廓和色调绘图. Projects will incorporate a variety of ability levels, 以及传统和非传统媒体(包括数字图像). Students will draw from a nude model. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), 解决视觉和概念主题是课程的重要组成部分, reflected in the studio projects. 期末作品集代表学生的成长和艺术发展.

112年艺术 Art History: Renaissance to Present 3 ENG 085 *


240年艺术 版画 3 第101条或第103条

设计和色彩的元素和原则被引入到创建一个工作室设置版画. 重点是使用各种媒体和技术的技巧. Critical thinking skills such as problem solving, understanding the creative process (from idea to finished product), 解决视觉和概念主题是课程的重要组成部分, reflected in the studio projects. 画廊之旅,以及其他领域的经验是本课程的关键方面. 学生们和老师一起组织学期末展览, showcasing their artistic growth and development.

BUA 190 Strategic Business Management 3

Why do some businesses succeed while others fail? 你如何促进组织的成长和可持续性? 作为未来的企业所有者或管理者,你在公司的整体成功中扮演什么角色? 本课程将概述和描述公司经理追求对公司绩效产生重大影响的战略,并在当今组织的动态全球性质中竞争. 学生将探索以下主题,因为他们获得了战略的理解:战略管理, competition and competitive advantage, developing strategies, and implementing strategies.

BUA 230 Principles of Marketing 3 CIS 095, 085, 091

学生分析市场,以确定客户的需求和需求,并制定有效的策略来满足他们. Emphasis is placed on research, marketing environments, 战略规划, 买方行为, evaluating key competitors, and the marketing functions of product or service planning, 定价, promotion and distribution.

ENT 101 Entrepreneurship: Creating Your Own Job 3 独联体095 *, ENG 085 * and ENG 090*

在你的职业生涯中,只有一件事是不变的,那就是变化. The preferences of consumers are constantly changing, entire industries are rising and falling, and hard-working people often are finding themselves looking for a job. This course provides you with the foundation to design your own job, whether in the context of an existing organization (i.e., as an “intrapreneur”) or as someone who starts a new enterprise (i.e., as an “entrepreneur”). 在本课程中,你将更多地了解自己的长处和短处, as well as the key characteristics shared by successful entrepreneurs. 你还将获得将自己的优势与适合自己的商业理念相匹配的技能, so that both you and your customers will benefit. 最后, 您将开始开发分析工具,以帮助在瞬息万变的世界做出合理的决策.