Student Resolution Advocate FAQ’s

  • Where can I get an appeal form?

    All appeal forms are available on the forms page on the Office of the Student Ombudsman’s website.

  • Where can I turn in an appeal form?

    Appeal forms and additional documentation can be submitted to

  • What appeal form is most appropriate for me?

    Financial Aid Appeals are generally for extenuating circumstances regarding loss of financial aid due to not making satisfactory academic progress (SAP). SAP is determined by grade point average (GPA), completion rate, or credit limit.  Although rare there is a possibility that you can appeal the amount of loan that you receive, however, that cannot exceed the federal allowable limit.

    Non-Academic Appeals are generally for extenuating circumstances regarding billing and balances, disciplinary action and judicial sanctions, registration issues, withdraws and withdrawal with exception.

    Academic Complaint Appeals are generally for grade related issues in a course. Before an academic complaint can be processed the student must first have a meeting with the instructor to discuss their grade issue.

  • What do I need to turn in with my appeal?

    For financial aid and Non-Academic appeals this depends on your extenuating circumstance is applicable to your appeal (i.e., providing a doctor’s note if the reason for your appeal is a medical circumstance). Typically to make a change there needs to be documentation relevant to the situation with specific date(s) and an explanation of how it affected your class(es). The forms outline the criteria for appeal and the documentation required.

  • How should I prepare for my academic appeal?

    To prepare for an academic appeal you must first meet with the instructor to discuss your grade issue.  If there is no resolution you can fill out the complaint form.  Make sure to include specific dates and any written communication and documentation that you have. It is also important that you clearly explain what outcome you are seeking (i.e. I want my 3rd quiz regraded).

  • How long does the appeal process take?

    Appeals take 10-15 business days from the time they are received for processing.  A business day is defined as a day in which Jackson College is open (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. excluding holidays or related school closings).

  • How will I be notified of the outcome of the appeal?

    The outcome of your appeal will be sent to your JC email account.

  • Will this appeal be approved?

    Approval or denial of appeal cannot be guaranteed.

  • What do I do about sexual assault or discrimination complaint?

    The Office of the Ombudsman is not involved in sexual assault and discrimination complaints. To file a formal complaint you must complete the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form and submit that form to Human Resources.

  • What happens if this is appeal is not approved?

    Since every appeal is unique it would depend on the individual. You are encouraged to reach out to the Student Ombudsman if you are unsure of next steps available to you.